Monday, June 12, 2017

Positive Hack Days 2011

Positive Hack Days 2011

The Positive Technologies company carries out a unique event - the Positive Hack Days conference, which is devoted to practical security problems and represents a place to exchange views, to gain knowledge and to obtain contacts and practical skills.

The conference subjects were developed with a special accent on the practical sides of urgent information security issues. The main themes of the conference are: web application security, protection of cloud computing and virtual infrastructure, counteraction to 0-day attacks, investigation of incidents, protection from DDoS, fraud resistance, SCADA security, and protection of business applications and ERP.

Within the bounds of the conference, the following activities will take place:

- Business program with reports from the leading domestic and foreign experts.
- Round tables, both closed and open types, which allow you to discuss complex and even delicate issues of information security with colleagues.
- Master classes conducted by practitioner experts, which allow you to gain practical experience in solving complicated information security problems, such as vulnerability detection, analysis of break-in consequences, and analysis of instruments used to conduct attacks.
- Breaking-in contests, which allow anyone to try him/herself in breaking-in iPhones, cell phones, browsers, and protection mechanisms.
- PHD CTF 2011 competition, which is an open information security team competition organized according to the Capture the Flag rules; within the bounds of this competition, teams will protect their networks and attack the networks of contestants for 8 hours.

The conference program is addressed to a wide circle of information security specialists, and everyone will find something interesting in it.

- Directors, CISOs ? CIOs will be able to estimate modern threats in practice, maintain their skills, and discuss information security problems with colleagues.
- Information security specialists will gain a lot of new and urgent information and will have an opportunity to improve their practical skills in solving a wide variety of information security issues.
- Vendors of security tools and systems will be able to estimate the efficiency of their solutions in practice by introducing them into the CTF competition tasks.
- Companies providing services in the field of information security can become sponsors and get professional employees involved.
- All participants will have a unique opportunity to find themselves on the other side of the barricade and to take part in practical master classes and information security contests.

We will be glad to see you at the Positive Hack Days conference!

Available link for download