Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Polyforge APK 1 0 Free Arcade Game for Android

Polyforge APK 1 0 Free Arcade Game for Android

Polyforge APK 1.0 - Free Arcade Game for Android Forge amazing crystals in a symphony of shapes, sound and color
◉ Forge new shapes by striking all the sides◉ Don"t strike the same side twice◉ Simple & Beautiful visuals◉ Atmospheric & Serene sound design◉ Compete for the highest level in the world

Available link for download

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Pocket Ninjas Hack

Pocket Ninjas Hack

Pocket Ninjas Hack
Pocket Ninjas Hack
"-Hi, I am a ninja!
-Wait what? Prove it!
-Fine. Have you seen that?
-Exactly! I was too fast and you havent seen. Because I am a ninja "
We hope that this dialogue entertained you a little bit. If not, then at least we tried. Haha. And now, lets get to the serious stuff. We have a new hack for you and if the title hasnt spoiled it yet, we will tell you: Pocket Ninjas Hack. A nice hack, for a fun game.
It seems that there is some buzz around this game. We didnt know why, but we tried the game and indeed, it is pretty awesome. But also hard. And this is the reason for the emails which we received this week, regarding this game. Basically, we understood that you are in need of a Pocket Ninjas Hack.
And now, here it is, ready to be downloaded by you. Firstly, we have to tell you that it was not a piece of cake to make this soft. We had to spend several hours of hard work. But they were worth the effort, because now we are able to provide a fully functional Pocket Ninjas Hack. If you appreciate the effort, please share this article on your favourite social networks. It will help us a lot. But now, lets get back to the hack that we provide.
It is not a hard to understand soft, but there are some things which you should know first. The basics of a hack, for example. The general rules, lets say. If you already know these, then we will not keep you, because time is pretious and we will leave below an Instant Download button for you to get the Pocket Ninjas Hack and use it.
If you do not know how to use a hack, do not worry, because the next part of the article will feature the explanations you need to understand the basics of the hack. After you will read the entire article, you will know everything there is to be known about what we provide.
After you read the article, you will have to download and install the soft and then, open it. If you want to see how it looks like, we will leave below a screenshot:
Pocket Ninjas Hack
Pocket Ninjas Hack
It has an user-friendly interface, allowing it to be used by everybody. The next thing you will have to do is to connect your device to the Pocket Ninjas Hack. When we talk about this aspect, there are a lot of users who worry that their devices arent compatible with the hack or viceversa. Well, good news for you: the hack we provide will be compatible with your device. How are we so sure? Because we, the team behind Hackit, worked hard to make this Pocket Ninjas Hack to work perfectly fine with every type of device, even if it is an Android one, even if it is an iOS one.
After your device is connected to the hack, you will have to select the items you want to be added in-game. For example, if you use this soft that we provide, you will have unlimited coins. With those unlimited coins, you will be the best. But, those unlimited coins will be yours only if you use the Pocket Ninjas Hack from us. Press the Start button and then sit back, watching how fast this soft will do its job.
If you are afraid of the fact that you will be caught while you use this soft, stop it. It is impossible. The hack has a function implemented, Anti-Ban, which, as the name says, will prevent your account from being banned. You will use this Pocket Ninjas Hack and you will not have problems. If you still do not feel safe, then activate the other functions implemented for protection: Guard Protection and Use Proxy.
Basically, this is all you have to know. You know how to use this hack and you also know what it will bring to your gameplay. All you need to do now is to get the Pocket Ninjas Hack from below and use it to be the best!

Available link for download

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Prof Dr Şerif Mardinden Bediüzzaman Said Nursi Olayı

Prof Dr Şerif Mardinden Bediüzzaman Said Nursi Olayı


Prof. Dr. ?erif Mardin (1927-)[1], uzun y?llard?r Amerika Birle?ik Devletleri’nde ya?ayan ve ders veren önemli bir Türk sosyal bilimcidir (Sosyoloji alan?nda). Mardin’in en önemli ve tart??mal? özelli?i; bu yaz?da incelenecek olan “Bediüzzaman Said Nursi Olay?” kitab?ndaki gibi, birçok eserinde Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin kurucu modernist felsefesine (Kemalizm) ayk?r? say?labilecek ?slami ve di?er çevresel aktörleri bilimsel ?ekilde incelemeye ve anlamaya çal??mas?d?r.[2] Bu anlamda, “halk ?slam’?” (folk Islam) veya “hetorodoksi[3]kavram?, dünyada ve Türkiye’de Mardin’in bilimsel yaz?na en önemli katk?lar?ndan birisi olarak kabul edilmektedir. Mardin, son dönemde “mahalle bask?s?”[4]kavram?n? günümüz Türkiye’sine dair analizlerinde kullanmas?yla da dikkat çekmi? ve gündem yaratm??t?r. Bu yaz?da, Mardin’in çok ünlü ama ayn? zamanda oldukça tart??mal? olan eseri “Bediüzzaman Said Nursi Olay?”n? özetlemeye çal??aca??m. Ayr?ca, günümüzde Said Nursi’nin kurdu?u Nurculu?un bir kolu olan ve Fethullah Gülen liderli?indeki Gülen cemaatinin Türkiye siyasal hayat?ndaki tart??mal? konumu da dikkate al?nd???nda, kitab?n ve kitapta i?lenen fikirlerin daha da önemli bir hale geldi?ini burada belirtmek gerekir.

Prof. Dr. ?erif Mardin

Kitap Hakk?nda Genel Bilgiler

Orijinal ?ngilizce ismi “Religion and Social Change in Modern Turkey: The Case of Bediüzzaman Said Nursi[5] olan ve ilk kez 1989 y?l?nda State University of New York Press taraf?ndan kitap, Metin Çulhao?lu taraf?ndan 1992 y?l?nda Türkçe’ye çevrilmi? ve ?leti?im Yay?nlar? taraf?ndan bas?lm??t?r. Eserin Türkçe tam ismi "Bediüzzaman Said Nursi Olay?: Modern Türkiyede Din ve Toplumsal De?i?im" ?eklindedir. Kitap, ?imdiye kadar 18 bask? yapmay? ba?arm?? önemli bir klasiktir. Bu makale için kullan?lan kitap ise, 2010 tarihli 15. bask?d?r. Bu kitapta, Profesör ?erif Mardin, kendi takipçileri nezdinde çok özel bir konumu olan Said Nursi’yi ve yaratt??? ak?m?, bu hadisenin kendisine özgü nitelikleriyle birlikte, Türkiye’nin din-toplum ve din-devlet ili?kileri konular?ndaki genel perspektifi içerisinde yorumlamaya çal??maktad?r. 399 sayfal?k bu eser, Türk akademisinin y?ld?z isimlerinden olan Mardin’i sa? çevrelerde ve özellikle Nurcular aç?s?ndan çok makbul bir isim haline getirirken, hem çal??t??? konu ve ki?inin devlet nezdinde ho? kar??lanmamas?, hem de Nursi’yi çok parlatt??? yönündeki yorumlar nedeniyle, yazar, bu kitab? sonras?nda çok sert ele?tiriler de alm??; hatta birçoklar?na göre bu nedenle Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi’ne (TÜBA) kabul edilmesi bile engellenmi?tir.[6] ?imdi, bu kitaba ve kitaptaki tart??mal? fikirlere daha yak?ndan göz atal?m.

“Bediüzzaman Said Nursi Olay?”

Cumhuriyet Döneminde ?slam Ara?t?rmalar?

Mardin’e göre, Türkiye’de ?slam ara?t?rmalar? Cumhuriyet’in ilk y?llar?nda geli?im gösterememi?tir. Bu, dini veya yar?-dini bir rejimden laik bir rejime geçi? yapan yeni devletin din konusundaki bask?c? ve a??r? ihtiyatl? duru?undan kaynaklanm??t?r. Ancak 1950 sonras?nda çok partili demokrasiye geçilmesiyle beraber, ?slam, hem entelektüel, hem de siyasal ve sosyolojik anlamda kendisini yeniden belirgin hale getirmi?tir. ??e, önce, Osmanl?ca veya Arapça klasiklerin Latin alfabesine geçen Türkiye’de yeni dile çevrilmesiyle ba?lanm??t?r. Ard?ndan, ?slam dini ile ilgili yeni çal??malar da üretilmi?tir. Ancak bu çal??malar, yazara göre daha çok kurumla?m?? veya kurumsalla?m?? ?slam’la ilgilidir; medreseler, ilmiye (ulema) s?n?f?, ?eyhülislam’?n Osmanl? siyasetindeki yeri vs. gibi. Oysa gerçek ?slam, halk?n kendisinin binlerce y?ll?k birikimi ve tecrübesi sonucunda özümsedi?i ve uygulad??? pratik veya hâlihaz?rda ya?ayan dindir.[7] Bunun ara?t?r?lmas? ise, Türkiye’de 1950’lerden sonra bile eksik kalm??t?r. Bu nedenle, Mardin’e göre, Türkiye’de laik kesimin en sert ele?tirilerini yöneltti?i ve hatta zaman zaman nefret objesine dönü?ebilen Bediüzzaman Said Nursi’yi incelemek, önemli bir akademik bo?lu?u doldurmak ve Türkiye sosyolojisine dair önemli tespitler yapmak imkân?n? sa?lamaktad?r.

Said Nursi: Hayat?

Said Nursi, 1878 y?l?nda Bitlis vilayetine ba?l? Hizan ilçesinin Nurs köyünde 7 çocuklu bir ailenin dördüncü çocu?u olarak do?mu?tur. Babas?n?n ad? Mirza, annesinin ad? ise Nuriye’dir. 15 ya??nda bir medrese ö?rencisi iken hocas? taraf?ndan verilen “Bediüzzaman” (zaman?n e?sizi) lakab? ismiyle birlikte an?l?r. Çocuklu?unda çevresindeki medreselerde e?itim görmü?tür. Kendisinde görülen üstün haf?za sebebiyle, önceleri “Molla Said-i Me?hur” diye tan?nm??t?r. Talebelik y?llar?nda, temel ?slami ilimlerle ilgili yakla??k 90 kitab? ezberlemi?tir. ?irvan, Siirt, Bitlis, Do?ubayaz?t ve Tillo’dan sonra 1894’te Mardin’e geçmi?tir. Oradan da Bitlis’e gitmi?, sonra da Van’da 12 sene kalm??t?r. Van’da kald??? sürede, e?itim metodunu tamamen kendisinin haz?rlad??? bir medrese kurmu?tur. Esas hedefi ise, ayn? metodun uygulanaca?? bir üniversiteyi Do?u Anadolu’da kurmakt?r. Bu üniversitede din ilimleri ile fen ilimleri birlikte ö?retilecek, etnik diller de serbest tutulacakt?. Bu üniversiteye, Kahire’deki me?hur El Ezher Üniversitesi’nden hareketle “Medresetü’z-Zehra” ismini vermi?tir. 1900’lü y?llar?n ba??nda 1907 y?l?nda do?uda “Medresetü-z Zehra” ad?nda bir ?slam teolojisi üniversitesi kurmak fikriyle ?stanbul’a gelmi? ve asl?nda hayat? boyunca da bu fikrini gerçekle?tirmek için gayret göstermi?tir. 13 Nisan 1909 tarihinde tarihe “31 Mart Vakas?” olarak geçen isyanda isyanc?lar? yat??t?rmaya çal??m??; isyan bast?r?ld?ktan sonra kendisi de olaya kar??t??? iddias? ile tutuklanm??, fakat mahkemesi görüldükten sonra beraat etmi?tir. Birinci Dünya Sava?? y?llar?nda 1914 y?l?nda Do?u cephesinde gönüllü milis alay? komutan? olarak hizmet etmi?tir. Sava? esnas?nda, Mart 1916’da Bitlis’te yaralan?p iki buçuk y?l Rusya’da esir kalm??t?r. 1917’deki Bol?evik ?htilali esnas?ndaki karga?adan yararlan?p esaretten kurtulmu?tur. Leningrad’dan Almanya’ya, oradan da Petersburg üzerinden Var?ova’ya gelmi?, Viyana’y? da gördükten sonra, Sofya üzerinden trenle 1918 Haziran’?nda ?stanbul’a ula?m??t?r. Dönü?te, Genelkurmay’?n kontenjan?ndan Osmanl?’n?n en üst düzey dini dan??ma merkezi olan ve Mehmet Akif Ersoy’un sekreterli?ini yapt??? “Darü’l-Hikmeti’l-?slamiye”de 4 y?l görev yapm??t?r. ?ngilizlerin ?stanbul’u i?gali y?llar?nda onlar?n aleyhinde “Hutuvat-? Sitte”[8]ad?yla bir risale ne?retmi?tir. 1925 y?l?nda Van’da e?itim faaliyetlerinde bulunurken, o s?rada meydana gelen ?eyh Said hareketi sebebiyle, bu harekete kar?? ç?kt??? halde, tedbir olarak 1926 y?l?nda önce Burdur’a, ard?ndan 25 Ocak 1927’da Isparta ve Isparta ili E?irdir ilçesine ba?l? ve E?irdir’in 25 km kuzeybat?s?nda Barla’ya gönderilmi?tir. Burada sekiz y?l kalm??; “Risale-i Nur” isimli Kur’an tefsirinin ço?u bölümlerini burada yazm??t?r. Eserleri ve fikirleri sebebiyle 1935 senesinde Eski?ehir Mahkemesi’ne sevk edilmi? ve 1936 y?l?nda sürgüne gönderildi?i Kastamonu’da eserlerini yazmaya devam etmi?tir. 1943’te Denizli Mahkemesi’ne, 1948’de Afyon Mahkemesi’ne sevk edilmi?; tüm bu mahkemeleri beraatla neticelenmi?tir. 1950 y?l?nda çok partili hayata geçildi?inde, eserlerini matbaada bast?rm?? ve geni? kitlelerce tan?nmaya ba?lam??t?r. Said Nursi, 23 Mart 1960 tarihinde 82 ya??nda ?anl?urfa’da vefat etmi?tir. Naa??, Halilürrahman Dergâh?’nda kendisine ayr?lan yere defnedilmi?; ancak 27 May?s 1960 askeri darbesi sonras?nda, Milli Birlik Komitesi hükümeti karar?yla, mezar? Urfa’daki yerinden al?narak Isparta’ya götürülerek ?ehir mezarl???na gizlice defnedilmi?tir.

Prof. ?erif Mardin’in Kitab?ndan Baz? Fikirler ve Bunlar?n Yorumlanmas?

Said Nursi (1876-1960)[9], Osmanl?’n?n son ve Cumhuriyet Türkiye’sinin ilk ony?llar?nda ya?am?? son derece dindar bir Müslüman ve Nurculuk ad? verilen ?slami ak?m?n (Nur cemaati de denir) kurucusudur. 1878 Bitlis Hizan do?umlu olan Nursi’nin gerçek ismi Said Okur’dur. Cumhuriyet’in ilk y?llar?nda devletten pek teveccüh göremese de, 1950’lerde Demokrat Parti ve Adnan Menderes-Celal Bayar ikilisinin iktidara gelmesiyle birlikte Türkiye’de sa? çevreler için çok mümtaz bir kimse haline gelen Nursi, Mardin’e göre, ?slam dinine mitsel ve ?iirsel sembolik bir repertuar kazand?rm?? olan önemli bir ?slam âlimidir. Laik Türkiye’de unutulan ?slami de?erleri yeniden canland?rma amac?n? gütmü? olan Nursi, di?er ?slam bilginleri ve muhafazakâr siyasetçiler gibi temel bir sorunla kar??la?m??t?r: Son derece kapsaml? ve kendisine özgü bir hukuk sistemi bile olan ?slam dini ile kendisine özgü gereksinimleri ve kurallar? olan devleti nas?l bir arada tutabilecek ve bir potada eritebilecektir?.. Osmanl? Devleti, hiç dü?ünmeden Frans?z medeni hukukunu Türkçe’ye çevirebilecek, baz? alanlarda uygulamaya sokabilecek ve yeri geldi?inde din kurallar?n? devlet kar??s?nda arka plana atabilecek esneklikte bir devlet olmu?tu. Bu konu d???nda, Kürt kökenli olan ve hatta Said-i Kürdi olarak da bilinen Nursi’nin bir di?er önem verdi?i ve kafa yordu?u konu da, yeni kurulan milli ve üniter Türkiye devleti içerisinde Kürtlerin durumu olmu?tur. Bu iki konu üzerinde yazd?klar?, Nursi’ye dini-teolojik yönü d???nda siyasal baz? anlamlar da yüklenmesine neden olmu?tur.

?slam teolojisinde arac?l?k kurumu genel olarak reddedilse bile, Ortado?u’nun ekolojik baz? ko?ullar? (halk?n ?slam konusunda cehaleti, tarih ve Arapça bilmemesi vs.), arac?l?k kurumunu ço?u zaman bir gereklilik haline getirmi?tir.[10] Ortodoks uleman?n “yasalc?, mütereddit ve kuru” nitelikteki kent ?slam’?, genellikle tasavvufi hareketleri güçlendirmi?tir. Ancak kent Sufili?i de ikiye ayr?l?r; Sufilik e?itimi alanlar ve kitleler… Dolay?s?yla, hem Ortodoks, hem de Heterodoks anlamda, ?eyh ve arac? din adamlar?, Ortado?u co?rafyas?nda sosyolojik olarak gerekli görülmü? ve kendili?inden ortaya ç?km??lard?r. Asl?na bak?l?rsa, “ulu ki?i” imaj?, ?slam toplumlar?nda pater familias’la ve ö?retmenin benzer rollerini vurgulayan örgütlenme ilkeleri ile de uyum halindedir. Bu noktada, Nurculuk ve Said Nursi’nin ay?rt edici özelli?i ise, sembolizm konusunun ve mistisizm özelli?inin di?er ?slami gruplara k?yasla çok daha ön planda olmas?d?r. Di?er önemli bir Türk ayd?n? olan Zülfü Livaneli de, Nurculuk ile varolu?çuluk ak?m? aras?ndaki paralelliklere dikkat çekmi?tir.[11]

Nursi’nin kurulmas?na önderlik etti?i Nurculuk, son derece karma??k bir ?slami harekettir. 20. yüzy?l?n ba?lar?nda Osmanl?’da ve sonras?nda Türkiye’de olu?an agnostik veya ateist ayd?n-dindar halk uçurumu[12], Anadolu’da demokrasinin ve modernle?mesinin önünde en büyük engeli te?kil etmi?tir. Bu anlamda, Nurculuk, yazara göre sosyolojik baz? geli?melerin sonucu olarak do?mu?tur. 1926 y?l?nda devlet taraf?ndan Isparta’ya yerle?tirilen Nursi, Osmanl? döneminde de önemli bir din ve siyaset merkezi olmu? ve birçok devlet adam? yeti?tirmi? bu bereketli topraklarda, Cumhuriyet’e geçi?le birlikte ya?anan keskin geçi?i tam olarak benimseyemeyen halk kitlelerini pe?inden sürüklemeyi ba?arm??t?r. Burada kitleleri en çok etkileyen unsur, modern ya?am?n baz? niteliklerine kolay adapte olamayan Anadolu halk?n?n, Nursi’de ahlâk? bulmas?d?r. Modern toplumda ahlâki de?erleri yerli yerine oturtamayan insanlar, bu de?er bo?lu?u içerisinde maneviyat? ve ahlâk kayna??n? en kolay ?ekilde ?slam dininde ve ömrünü bu yola adayan Said Nursi gibi ki?ilerde bulmu?lard?r. Zaten tam da bu nedenle, tek-parti dönemi, askeri darbe ya da müdahaleler sonras?ndaki ara rejim dönemleri ve Bülent Ecevit’in 1970’lerdeki inan?lmaz performans? say?lmazsa, Türkiye’yi daima merkez sa? ve sa? hükümetler yönetmi? ve ?slam dini, toplumsal ve siyasal ya?amda hep ön planda olmu?tur. Buna kar??n, Nursi’nin ve Nurculuk hareketinin tasavvur etti?i ?slam anlay???, hareketin 1950’lerde Adnan Menderes ve Demokrat Parti’ye, 1960’larda Süleyman Demirel ve Adalet Partisi’ne, 1970’lerde Necmettin Erbakan ve Milli Selamet Partisi’ne, 1980’lerde Turgut Özal ve ANAP’a, 2000’lerin ba??nda ise Adalet ve Kalk?nma Partisi’ne ve Recep Tayyip Erdo?an’a destek verdi?i de dü?ünülürse, köktendinci ?slamc?l?k noktas?nda Arap dünyas?ndaki hareketlerden ayr?l?r ve Türkiye’ye özgü daha modernist bir çizgiyi temsil eder.

Kitab?n?n son bölümünde ise, ?erif Mardin, kitap boyunca yapt??? inceleme ve analizlerin ard?ndan önemli tespitler yapmakta ve önceki tespitleri tekrarlamaktad?r. Ona göre; Said Nursi’nin ve Risale-i Nur külliyat?n?n en temel özelli?i; ki?iyi çevreleyen dünya ile ilgili bir “efsun” yaratan mitik-?iirsellik duygusunun korunmas?d?r. ?kincisi, yazar?n at?fta bulundu?u ve “lehçe” olarak nitelendirdi?i bu özel dil, belirli birinin ki?ili?inin ya da kimli?inin geni?lemesi ?eklinde tan?mlanabilecek yap?dad?r. Üçüncü olarak, bu lehçe, evrenin ve dünyan?n bili?sel bir modelinin olu?turulmas?na yaramaktad?r. Lakin bu üç boyutun hiçbiri, kendi kat?ks?z halinde görülmez; aralar?ndaki ili?ki, renkler aras?ndaki ili?kiye benzer: renkler birbirine kar???r, te?his edilebilir renkler kar???m içinde belirsizle?irken, sonra belli noktalarda yeniden ortaya ç?karlar.


Bugün Türkiye’de sol çevrelerde en s?k kullan?lan argümanlardan birisi de, ?eyh, cemaat lideri veya benzeri din adamlar? ya da büyüklerinin cahil halk? din ile aldatt?klar? ve bundan ekonomik ve siyasal ç?kar elde ettikleri yönündedir. Bu, asl?nda bir bak?ma do?ru da olabilir. Ancak Türkiye gibi halk?n gelir seviyesinin son derece dü?ük oldu?u ve halk?n seçmen davran???n? neredeyse tamamen ekonomik rasyonelin belirledi?i bir ülkede, bu tarz bir aç?klama son derece yetersiz kalmaktad?r. Bugün milyon dolarl?k ekonomilere ve siyasi nüfuza sahip olan çe?itli tarikat ve cemaatler, devletin ?slam anlay??? ve pratiklerindeki bir eksikli?i doldurdu?u için bu kadar destek buluyor olmal?d?rlar. Zira aksi takdirde, insanlar?n kendi k?ymetli ve k?s?tl? vakit ve paralar?n? ba?kalar? için harcamalar?n?n bir izah? olamaz. Modern toplumda bireyin ya?ad??? yaln?zl?k ve çaresizlik duygusu, ekonomik sorunlar ve içsel dindarl?k gibi birçok faktör, bireylerin tarikat ve cemaat gibi yap?lara kat?lmas?na neden olabilmektedir. Ayr?ca Said Nursi’nin takipçilerinin sosyolojik olarak daha çok alt veya orta alt s?n?f olarak de?erlendirilebilecek ki?ilerden ç?kmas?, ?dris Küçükömer’in Türkiye’ye dair yapt??? me?hur sa?-sol tespitini de akla getirirsek, bu anlamda oldukça manidard?r. Sonuçta, Said Nursi ve di?er ?slam ak?mlar?, ciddi akademik çal??malar yap?larak incelenmesi ve küçümsenmemesi gereken sosyolojik tabanl? hareketlerdir. Mardinin çal??mas?n? da, bu yolda at?lm?? ilk cesur ad?m olarak kabul etmek gerekir.

Yrd. Doç. Dr. Ozan ÖRMEC?

[1] 1927 y?l?nda ?stanbul’da do?du. Galatasaray Lisesi’nde ba?lad??? orta ö?renimini ABD’de tamamlad?. Stanford Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilimler Bölümü mezuniyetinin ard?ndan lisansüstü e?itimini John Hopkins Üniversitesi’nde yapt?. 1954’te Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi’ne asistan olarak giren ?erif Mardin, doktoras?n? “Yeni Osmanl?lar?n Dü?ünsel Yap?tlar?” konulu teziyle Stanford Üniversitesi’nde tamamlad?. 1964’te Doçentli?e, 1969’da Profesörlü?e yükseldi. 1973’te geçti?i Bo?aziçi Üniversitesi’nde Siyaset Bilimi ve Sosyoloji dersleri verdi. ABD’de Columbia ve California, ?ngiltere’de Oxford Üniversitesi’nde konuk ö?retim üyesi olarak dersler verdi. Halen Washington D.C.’deki American University Uluslararas? ?li?kiler bölümünde ö?retim üyeli?i yapan ve ayn? üniversite bünyesinde faaliyet gösteren ?slâmi Ara?t?rmalar Merkezi’nin Ba?kanl??? görevini sürdüren, ayn? zamanda Sabanc? Üniversitesi´inde ö?retim görevlili?ine devam eden Mardin’in yay?mlanan kitaplar? ?unlard?r: Jön Türklerin Siyasi Fikirleri 1895-1908 (1964), Din ve ?deoloji (1969), ?deoloji (1976), Türkiye’den Toplum ve Siyaset (Makaleler derlemesi, 1990), Siyasal ve Sosyal Bilimler (Makaleler derlemesi, 1990), Türkiye’de Din ve Siyaset (Makaleler derlemesi, 1991), Türk Modernle?mesi (Makaleler derlemesi, 1991), Religion and Social Change in Modern Turkey. The Case of Bediüzzaman Said Nursi (1989) [Bediüzzaman Said Nursi Olay? / Modern Türkiye’de Din ve Toplumsal De?i?im (1992)], The Genesis of Young Ottoman Thought (1962) [Yeni Osmanl? Dü?üncesinin Do?u?u (1996)], Türkiye, ?slam ve Sekülarizm (Makaleler derlemesi, 2011). Bak?n?z; Hakk?nda di?er bir kaynak için;
[2] Y?llar sonra Prof. Dr. Tayfun Atay da “Bat?’da Bir Nak?i Cemaati - ?eyh Naz?m K?br?si Örne?i” adl? çal??mas?nda, K?br?s’ta ya?ayan Nak?i lideri ?eyh Naz?m K?br?si ve hareketini benzer yöntemle incelemi?tir. Bak?n?z;
[3]Heterodoks” sözcü?ü, “farkl?” anlam?na gelen Yunanca heteros ve “ö?reti, dü?ünce” anlam?ndaki doxa sözcüklerinden olu?ur. “Ana ak?mdan sapm?? olan” anlam?na gelir. Bu kavram, dini gruplar aras?nda kendilerini kutsal metne ve din kurucusunun gösterdi?i yola en uygun davranan gruplar taraf?ndan az?nl?kta kalan gruplar için kullan?lm??t?r. Ancak heterodoks kabul edilen gruplar, kendilerini böyle de?il, aksine Ortodoks (sahih) görürler. Bu sözcük, ayr?ca, belirli bir dü?ünce ve ideoloji alan?nda ana ak?ma ba?lanmay?p, merkezi iktidar?n diliyle konu?mayan, farkl?l?klara aç?lan dü?ünme ve davranma biçimi diye de tan?mlanabilir. Örne?in, Osmanl? iktidar?n?n dini kimli?i Ortodoks ?slam kabul edilen Sünnilik’in Hanefilik kolu olmas?na kar??n, imparatorluk tebaas? olan Müslüman halk?n önemli bir bölümünün inançlar? çe?itli versiyonlar?yla Sufili?in popüler veya entelektüel biçimleri, yani Heterodoks ?slam’d? (Alevilik, Bekta?ilik, Hurûfilik, K?z?lba?l?k, Kalenderilik, Mevlevilik, Türkmenlik). Bak?n?z;
[4] Bak?n?z;
[5] Bak?n?z;
[7] Bir ilahiyatç? de?il, Sosyolog olan Mardin’in bu ?ekilde konuya yakla?mas? gayet do?al ve kendi bilimsel uzmanl??? aç?s?ndan da daha do?rudur.
[9] Hakk?nda kurulmu? bir web sitesi için; Hakk?nda bilgiler için;
[10] Burada yazar olumlu veya olumsuz bir görü? ileri sürmemekte ve sadece tespit yapmaktad?r.
[11] ?zlemek için;
[12] Bu konuda Yakup Kadri’nin “Yaban” roman? tarihi bir vesika olarak okunabilir. Bu roman hakk?nda bir analiz için;

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Prepare for final descent

Prepare for final descent

…Well, I say news; but the hints Ive been dropping have been pretty broad. Anyway, this is it officially: I am currently writing the next - and final - episode of Cabin Pressure. It will be a forty-five minute special, and it will be recorded early in the new year. 

Infrequently Asked Questions, But Which I Imagine May Become More Frequently Asked Now.

Why are you only doing an episode, not a series? 

Because that has always been the plan - at least since about Molokai. When I was planning series three, I decided that (BBC and cast permitting), I would write two more series, and build towards a cliff-hanger, followed by a special. I knew by then how important it is when writing an episode to have the ending in mind, and I thought the same would probably be true of a series.

Why are you ending it?

Well, it has to end somewhere, and six years and twenty six episodes feels like a pretty good score.    And this way I get to build towards an ending that I feel is satisfying, rather than it simply stopping one day… or worse, getting tired and repetitive. Its also allowed me to let the characters and their relationships change and develop over the last couple of series, knowing that Im building in a particular direction, in a way that I couldnt have done if Id had to keep them in sitcom limbo.

Besides, you cant fight the alphabet…

But there are a lot more letters in other languages!

I know. But be honest, which is more satisfying: A to Z or A to Ø? 

No, you be honest: its because you cant get the cast any more, isnt it?

It really isnt. Its very difficult to get them all together, certainly, but they continue to be astonishingly generous about finding ways to make it work. No, this is all my fault.  

When did you say it would be recorded? And broadcast?

On the… Ah, you nearly got me. No, Im afraid I dont know. I had, as many of you had guessed, been working towards another Christmas broadcast, but unfortunately that hasnt worked out. So, as early as possible in the new year, I hope; and Ill let you know here as soon as I can... 

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Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Pou 1 4 69 Mod Apk Unlimited Money

Pou 1 4 69 Mod Apk Unlimited Money

Pou v1.4.69 Mod Apk (Unlimited Coins)

* Play and take care of your own native Pou and watch as it grows!
* Play games in the games room to collect coins.
* Experience with various potions in the laboratory!
* Customize the look of Pou!
* Try costumes, hats and glasses!
* Customize each room with wallpaper!
* Earn medals and special items!
* Visit and play with your friends online!

New :

Easter Outfits: Chick & Egg! ^_^
Game: Tumble! ^_^
Game: Hoops! ^_^
Basketball Colors! ^_^
Bedroom: Pillow! ^_^
New Balls! ^_^
Game: Jet Pou! ^_^
New Food! ^_^
Wigs: Mohawk & Sasuke! ^_^
Pets: Hamster, Bunny & Monkey! ^_^
Game: Pet Walk & PvP! ^_^
Pou Shoes! ^_^
Pets! More soon! ^_^
Eyeglasses: New Colors! ^_^


>>>Pou 1.4.69 Mod (Unlimited Money).Apk<<<

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Procter Gamble Recieves Stern Poke Over Covergirl Mascara Ads

Procter Gamble Recieves Stern Poke Over Covergirl Mascara Ads

Oh, lash inserts. When combined with photoshop, it seems like you dont even need the mascara in question to make a mascara ad.

After innumerable mascara advertizements that look something like this...

That doesnt even look like mascara. Like, seriously. Look at that.
...the National Advertising Division has decided that using false eyelashes is probably not the fairest way to sell a damn mascara. Their current target is Procter & Gamble (owner of Covergirl Cosmetics)s Clump Crusher Mascara ads, which, like countless ads before it, use lash inserts to deceive consumers about its products lash-enhancing prowess.

The National Advertising Division (NAD) is a segment of the the Council of Better Business Bureaus dedicated to reviewing factual claims made by national ads. The Better Business Bureau (BBB) itself is a nonprofit in the US and Canada that investigates the reliability of various businesses. They rate businesses on a scale from F to A+. I tend to not trust their ratings indiscriminately because Ive observed that the ratings seem to depend in large part on the companys participation with BBB, rather than their overall reliability. For example, according to the rating explanations on their website, the non-profit docks companies for not using the BBB website to respond to complaints. There have also been allegations that BBB ratings are sensitive to whether or not companies give money to the non-profit. (You can read more about that by clicking here. The article gets bonus points since you have now seen inappropriate pictures of one of the key players that it discusses.) With that said, I do think that the BBB is one tool that you can you to help determine the sketchiness of a company. 

NAD can give companies stern warnings about their national advertizing campaigns, but the council doesnt exactly have teeth. Rather, its a self-regulatory system where companies can choose whether they want to follow the rulings. Companies choose to participate as a way to avoid litigation. According to the BBB website, "Product performance claims, superiority claims against competitive products and all kinds of scientific and technical claims in national advertising are the types of cases accepted by the NAD."

The NAD ruled that using lash inserts in a mascara commercial qualified as a false product demonstration. Although they felt that Procter & Gamble had support for their direct claims (E.g. "200% more volume"), they considered that the ad implied claims that could not be backed up (E.g. "Consumers who use Clump Crusher mascara would get lashes like those depicted in the advertisement [and] the lashes depicted in the photograph were achieved solely by using Clump Crusher mascara.")

Though the Covergirl ads have a teensy weensy little asterisk at the bottom letting consumers know about the lash inserts, NAD said that this wasnt good enough. The information about lash inserts must be contained in the main body of the ad, they said, or lash inserts must be discontinued entirely. Procter & Gamble has agreed to these terms. It will be interesting to see whether or not this changes anything about future mascara ads.

Personally, Im really curious about the general efficacy of these types of ads. Clearly, even the knowledge that an ad has been doctored doesnt immunize viewers from its power. However, I just dont find mascara ads like this to be compelling:

LOreal doesnt know what eyelashes look like.
Suspending my disbelief about those lashes is even harder than suspending my disbelief during movies about poltergeists.

I was especially surprised that Clump Crusher was the problem product given how much praise it has received based solely on its merits. Last year this post on by theKittenButcher, titled "Covergirls new Clump Crusher mascara is no joke. While playing around with New Years Eve looks tonight, I tried it out for the first time. This is after four coats. I didnt even need a lash comb." triggered a huge Clump Crusher trend on the subreddit:

Its possible that reason that this is effective is because the source isnt Covergirls marketing team. Its also possible that there is a difference between what is effective for hardcore makeup lovers and whats effective for random drugstore browsers (and that Covergirl is appealing to the latter). Still, I feel that super-awesome-but-not-magic-or-impossible depictions of makeup are more powerful for me, personally, when Im choosing products.

If I ran a makeup company, I would want to explore that kind of ad. For example, you could pick out a model who has naturally long, blonde eyelashes (the kind that you cant really see sans mascara) and just do a video of her actually putting on the damn mascara. I think that would capture the attention and excitement of people who actually want a product that works.

Pictures of lash inserts masquerading as mascara, on the other hand? Yawn.

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Prem Pariyaar Marne kasai lae rahar hudaina Lyrics

Prem Pariyaar Marne kasai lae rahar hudaina Lyrics

(????? ?????? ??? ????? )?
(?? ?????? ????? ????? )?
????? ???? ??? ???? ????
(?????? ?????? ??? ????? )?
????? ?????? ??? ?????...

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(????? ??? ?? ?? ??????? )?
??? ????? ????? ??? ?????
???? ???? ?????? ?????
????? ?????? ??? ?????
(?? ?????? ????? ????? )?
(????? ???? ??? ???? ???? )?
(?????? ?????? ??? ????? )?
????? ?????? ??? ?????...

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Project Brownstone part one

Project Brownstone part one

So you know Im working with some unique clients right now, right? I love it when a space challenges me, because it leads to all kinds of creative solutions! This family moves almost yearly for the husbands work, and so their permanent residence back in the US only gets used during summer months, and the rest of the year they live in rental homes. Moving so frequently means that they are constantly trying to re-configure their furnishing to work in their current space. The last transition to Toronto proved to be one too many, and they decided to have someone come in and help them to create a cohesive look in their current home.

Now when you think rentals, you tend to think apartment, but this is no apartment. Its a gorgeous four level brownstone in one of the cities best neighbourhoods! If I was to move back to the city, this home would be on my wish list! Thus, from now on this home will be known as "Project Brownstone", because I love the way that BROWNSTONE drips off my tongue....

I think the key to making not only Project Brownstone work, but also the next home, and the next again, is to invest in flexible pieces that can go from room-to-room, and bring a consistent design style and colour palette through the home.  We already have a lot of furniture to work with, and so the old must mesh with the new.  We are going with a modern classic feel, and bringing in some lighter, greyer woods to balance out all the darker browns already present. The family prefers neutrals, quiet prints and a home that offers respite from a hectic life, and also entertaining options. In terms of colour we are using blue-grays, from light to dark, warm neutrals and white. The landlord painted out the entire home in Dune White by BM, so we have a nice warm envelope to work with.

Over the next weeks Im going to show you a few pics, and the design boards that have evolved from our emails thus far. Today we will start with the foyer.  I love foyers. Really love. They are one of my favourite spaces in every home, no matter how small, because this is where your home introduces itself to the world!

Note - these pictures were taken the day after they moved in - so no judging!!! They were still in chaos phase.

There isnt a LOT of light present here, so we definitely want to add accessories that bring some light to the space. Their chippendale style console is staying, so we are looking for a way to reference the paler wood tones that will be added to the rest of the main floor here. I chose this wool carpet from Pottery Barn as a way to bring together all the different tones. The pattern adds another dimension to this space.

Although there is a closet further down the hall, we still need to catch mittens and the bits that fill pockets. Simple baskets add storage for all the "stuff" that comes with little ones, stacking boxes offer a place for keys and change to land, and some extra layers fill in the shelves.

Since this family moves often, art that references some cities that have special meaning to them is a quirky, personal touch. I found these amazing modern city maps on Etsy - if they dont have the city you want they will custom make it for you!! We have decided on a grid of six, as shown below. 

I added the lamp below to the board, but my source no longer carries it - any suggestions?!! 
Id love to find a table lamp with a geometric base something like this...

A large leaning mirror placed opposite the table will bounce some daylight around the hall. We have discussed a wood frame, although I could also go for a metal window style like this...

An umbrella stand like that would be cute tucked in beside the console, wouldnt it?
We are considering re-working an armchair they currently own to nestle in to the stair corner. I think a striped linen upholstery would lead nicely towards the rest of the home... which I will show you soon!

So what do you think of this space?

(Before I sign off, I would really like to thank you all - after my last post, and reading your comments and emails,  I realized that whether I blog or not we will stay in touch - thanks for all your encouragement and support :) Love you guys!! x am)

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Pretzel Turtles

Pretzel Turtles

If youve been on Pinterest lately, youve probably seen these snacks. And, if you havent made them yet, youre crazy. These things are so amazing! Theyre pretzels, chocolate, caramel and pecans all in one bite, delish!!

Pretzel Turtles
20 Pretzel Snaps
20 Rolos
20 Pecans

Preheat oven to 325 F. Place pecans on a baking sheet and put in the oven to toast a couple minutes, until theyre fragrant. On another baking sheet, lay out all of your pretzels. Then, place an unwrapped rolo on each pretzel.  

Place the sheet in the oven and bake for about 4-5 minutes, until the rolos are soft. Then take them out of the oven and place a pecan on top of each rolo and pretzel. They should squish down and some of the caramel may even ooze out, lol. 

Let cool and enjoy! Theyre so easy and so addicting! 

Modified from The Hungry Housewife

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Monday, May 29, 2017

Pocket MapleStory MOD APK v1 3 0

Pocket MapleStory MOD APK v1 3 0

What’s New: v 1.3.0
– A new character ‘Luminous’ has been added!

What’s In The MOD:
1. Always critical
2. No HP consumption
3. No MP consumption
4. Full map item vac
5. Full map attack
6. 100% accuracy
7. God mode
8. Mobs disarm
9. No cooldown
10. “Safe” 1 hit kill
11. CRC bypass

Requires Android: 2.3 and Up

Version: 1.3.0



Download Links:






Install APK,Download data directly from game and play.

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Princess Victoria Weds A Swedish Royal Wedding

Princess Victoria Weds A Swedish Royal Wedding

Few things are more glamorous than a royal wedding! Yesterday, June 19, 2010, the wedding of Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden to Daniel Westling, a commoner, took place in Stockholm. The 32 year-old, Yale-educated princess had been dating the 36 year-old gym owner for 8 years.

Princess Arriving.

Getting Ready to Enter the Church.

The wedding gown, designed by Pär Engsheden, was made of ivory silk satin. It had a rounded, off-the-shoulder neckline, which sloped to a discreet V in the back, where it met with the train, 5 yards long. The waist had a wide band of silk, and the gown buttoned up in the back.

Entering on the Arm of Father, King Carl Gustaf.

Handing to the Groom; brother, Prince Carl Philip, smiles.

The cameo crown worn by Victoria, who will one day become Queen of Sweden, was originally given by Napoleon to his wife, Empress Josephine, in 1809. It was also worn by Victorias mother, Queen Silvia, on her wedding day to King Carl Gustaf of Sweden in 1976.

The lace veil originally belonged to Queen Sofia of Sweden. It has been in the family for 150 years and is the same one worn by Princess Victorias mother in 1976.

The Vows.

The Ring, a Diamond Eternity Band.

Crown Princess Victoria & Prince Daniel

The teardrop-shaped wedding bouquet contained roses, orchids, lilies, azaleas, and lily-of-the-valley.

After church, the couple took to a carriage, which travelled through the streets of Stockholm, so that the thousands of onlookers could see the Princess and her new husband. The cavalcade included 78 horses!

After the carriage reached the harbor, the couple boarded the royal barge, "Vasaorden":

The sloop is a copy of an original built in 1773; it has a crew of 22.

The couple disembark and walk past the adoring populace to the castle, where their families await:

Prince Carl Philip, Princess Madeleine,
the Grooms parents, Queen Silvia, King Carl Gustaf.

From the balcony, the couple greeted the crowd and Princess Victoria addressed the nation:

Victorias speech (translated from the Swedish by "Yours, Truly"):

Dear, dear friends: I will begin by thanking the Swedish people for having gotten me my prince. We, my husband and I, are so unbelievably happy and extremely grateful that so many wanted to be here to celebrate with us. This is a huge experience, for us the biggest day of our lives so far. To feel your support means more to us than you can ever understand. It is something unbelievable. Today is a day which we will carry with us in our hearts for the rest of our lives. Thank you!

At the wedding banquet, the guests gathered in a hall decorated with pink roses. The center table is nearly 100 feet long! On either side were 38 tables for those not royalty or foreign dignitaries. The menu consisted of items like lobster, truffle-caviar, veal, and of course champagne.

The beginning of the Kings speech had everyone laughing.

The Grooms speech had the bride in tears.

It began: "Victoria, princess of my heart." He told a story of a time when she had to go for a state visit for thirty days, and he found a box from her, containing thirty letters to him—one for each day theyd be apart. "This story perhaps characterizes you best", he said. He continued by saying: "I love you, Victoria. I am so proud and happy to be your husband." At this point, the bride interrupted him with a kiss.

After dinner came the cake, which had 11 tiers and weighed over 550lb! On a meringue base, were over 100 handmade roses and 40 lilies. Inside, were things like chocolate nonpareilles, champagne mousse, and wild strawberry compote. The white cake was in a clover pattern. On top was the couples monogram, made from sugar.

Next followed the traditional wedding waltz, after which the cameras were turned off and the festivities continued in private.

Congratulations and many happy years to the newlyweds!

Photos: Scanpix & Getty Images

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