Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Punctuation Posters Fun!

Punctuation Posters Fun!

Happy Sunday!  I leave in less than a week to Vegas with my hubby, so I wanted to make sure I posted about my latest projects and ideas.

As school approaches, I try to create things I know my little ones will enjoy.  I created Parts of Speech Posters pack a few weeks back.  I tried to keep thinking of what else I think my kiddies could benefit from.  So I came up with this…

Punctuation Posters

I tried to keep the same idea.  Really cute printables, bright posters and great guides for your little ones to refer to when struggling.  

The posters are nice and bright to catch your students eyes.  You can place them around the class and have your students refer to them when needing some reminder or ideas.  The posters also come with a list of examples for each punctuation, which I think my students would really appreciate. 

The printables can be used for centers, buddy work, early finishers or homework.  I feel with the easy and simple directions, they could do this on their own or with a buddy.

I love the cut and paste printables.  Its always one of my students favorite activities.  I tried to include that in this pack.  I also like incorporating writing with my printables.  This way my students are practicing their handwriting at the same time. 

Sorting is important for my students.  It lets me know they are mastering what they are learning and can show me that through sorting.  It doesnt hurt that its fun to complete either. =)

Some more of my favorites are:

Just love that the printables are working so many areas: reading, writing, drawing and the punctuation.  They dont know it but their little minds are learning so much at once!

This is a quick overview of whats inside this awesome pack

This pack includes:
parts in this pack are statements, questions, exclamations,contractions, commas, apostrophes,colon, quotation marks, semi colon and parenthesis

*punctuation posters in bright neon colors
*punctuations lists with examples in bright neon colors
*cheat sheets for students to keep in their folder as a reference
*read, highlight and tally of punctuation
*cut and paste punctuation marks
*writing punctuation
*name that adjective
*labeling parts of speech
*sorting parts of speech
*name that interjection
*name that conjunction
*wheres the apostrophe?
*wheres the comma?
*wheres the quotation mark?
*match that contraction

and more fun printables!

To see more of this pack click here or check out what else I have in store for you at my TpT Store.  So excited to print these out for my little ones.  I know it will really help with all those tricky punctuation marks.

I have some more fun sets coming in just a few days. =) Stay tuned!

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Available link for download