Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Pregnancy Journal Week 19 Gender Reveal
Pregnancy Journal Week 19 Gender Reveal
Ultrasound Day. One of the most exciting days of pregnancy and in our house this is certainly no exception! We decided that it would be fun to have a small gender reveal party with the kids and even invited our Facebook friends to join in the fun in the days leading up to the big announcement. Friends voted as to whether they thought Baby #9 would be a girl or a boy.
We even performed a couple of those wive tale gender reveal tests. The wedding band dangling over the palm/belly....both said BOY. The Chinese birth chart said...BOY.
But what did the ultrasound say...
Well, we arrived bright and early to see this sweet little one. Chad and I both looked away at the appropriate time, so that we could be surprised later at the reveal as well. The ultrasound tech put the "reveal photo" in an envelope and our midwife reviewed it and sent an email to a sweet friend who was baking a cake for us hiding our "secret" inside.
This little guy got to tag along with us at our ultrasound and then we made a mad dash to the ENT. Thats because J1 had decided to stuff 7 pieces of corn up his nose the night before. We had successfully removed 6 on our own, but saw another one waaaay up there. Sadly, the ENT could not see it so we are waiting to see if an infection develops for further treatment. I do love being a mom. I do. I do. I do.
We arrived back to our children to see the wonderful decorations the girls had created while we were gone.
Above, is the decorating committee (my two girls in the middle along with a couple of their friends). They choose to be on TEAM GIRL, and so wore pink and posed in front of the pink tablecloth with their pink bows.
These two cuties also were on TEAM GIRL.
TEAM BOY members posed in front of a blue tablecloth with mustaches...
Finally, it came time for the cake-cutting reveal....
(Video was made possible thanks to our awesome son, E9)
This is exciting...
Wait for it...
Complete surprise!...
A pretty pink layer revealed that Baby #9 is a GIRL!!!
Linking up to the pregnancy link-up at My Joy-Filled Life!
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